This week, I read Adam Grant’s article in the NYT about “languishing.” It described my feelings perfectly. Languishing between what was and what is ahead.
Perhaps my mood is because I didn’t even see much of my own city this week because news of more mass shootings, including in my own state sent me over the edge, so I stayed home. No morning runs, which I have started to love. I looked out on my city from behind the treadmill. I’ve been thinking about past travel. I’ve been thinking about travel planned with friends this year. I’ve been thinking about all of the wonderful things in my future, but I don’t know when it will happen. So, I’m languishing in a meh mood.
One of the very important things I’ve learned in the past few years is to recognize those feelings. Don’t push them away or ignore them. Denial doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I will own my feelings while continuing to seek joy until “what’s next comes.”
#languishing #postcovid19 #whatsnext #100dayproject2021 #dallastexas #nyc #fridaythoughts